21/03 | DOMINGO | 17H

O Teatro da Inglaterra Para o Mundo - Inglaterra

🇧🇷 Sinopse: Que tal um super bate-papo com uma das grandes estrelas do teatro musical, cinema e da televisão da Inglaterra?  De um lado, Martin Callaghan – conhecido nos palcos da Broadway (Nova York) e West End (Londres), o ator e cantor tem em seu currículo quase 40 musicais. Entre esses musicais, estão “O Mágico de Oz”, “Chicago”, “A Noviça Rebelde” e outros, além de filmes como “Funny Girl”, “Chicago” e etc. Em 2020 Martin ficou conhecido nos quatro cantos do mundo por ganhar o golden buzzer no programa de talentos Portugal’s Got Talent. Do outro lado, Jenna Boyd – a atriz de “Os Miseráveis”, musical e filme, e a protagonista do musical sucesso na Broadway (Nova York) e West End (Londres), “Come From Away”. Martin e Jenna se reúnem para um bate-papo divertido e único, falando sobre o mercado artístico em Londres, desmistificando a diferença entre a Broadway e West End, e ainda dividem com o público experiências marcantes e engraçadas ao longo de suas carreiras. Mediação do manager artístico e ator Will Callaghan.

Mediação: Will Callaghan
Manager Artístico

Brasileiro, natural de Criciúma, SC, Brasil. Ex-ator – formado em artes pelo espaço Evoé em Lisboa, Portugal – Will é conhecido como um dos maiores destaques da atualidade em gerenciamento de carreiras e já cuidou de participantes dos programas The Voice Portugal, The Voice Alemanha, The Voice UK, X Factor UK, Got Talent Portugal, The Apprentice (Aprendiz) e Junior Bake Off UK, além de atores e cantores do West End London e Broadway. Will é casado com uma das estrelas da Broadway, o ator britânico Martin Callaghan, e ambos vivem em Londres, Inglaterra.

Jenna Boyd – Atriz

Atuou em “Os Miseráveis”, musical e filme, e a protagonista do musical sucesso na Broadway (Nova York) e West End (Londres), “Come From Away”. Outros trabalhos no teatro: “Love on the Links” (Salisbury Playhouse); “My Fair Lady” (Teatro di San Carlo, Italy); “The Wind in the Willows” (London Palladium and UK Tour); “Alice in Wonderland” (Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage); “Oliver! and Simply Cinderella” (Curve, Leicester); “A Little Night Music” (Palace); “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” (Royal Festival Hall); “I Can’t Sing!” (London Palladium); “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” (DUCTAC, Dubai); “Candide” (Opéra National de Lorraine); “The Pajama Game” (Chichester Festival Theatre); “Street of Dreams” (Manchester Arena); “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” (Trinity, Tunbridge Wells); “The Sound of Music” (UK Tour); “Austentatious” (Landor Space); “Stepping Out” (Derby Playhouse); “Les Misérables” (Sondheim); “Acorn Antiques: The Musical!” (Theatre Royal Haymarket); “Cogs in a Well-Oiled Machine” (Colourhouse Theatre) and “The Beautiful Game” (Cambridge Theatre). Trabalhos na televisão: Harry Hill’s Clubnite, Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule, Tracey Ullman’s Show, Doctors and Casualty.

Martin Callaghan – Ator

Britânico, natural de Manchester, Inglaterra. Formado em canto e teatro musical, Martin tem 34 anos de carreira, e em seu currículo 35 musicais nos palcos da Broadway e West End London, como O Mágico de Oz, Chicago, A Noviça Rebelde e outros, além de séries televisivas pela BBC e 3 filmes internacionais. Atualmente, Martin prepara o seu primeiro álbum, que será lançado em julho de 2021. Mas, já estourou em todo o mundo ao receber o golden buzzer no Portugal’s Got Talent em 2020.


The Theater of England to the World – England

Date: 03/21/21 – Sunday
Time: 5pm

Synopsis: How about a super chat with one of the great stars of musical theater, cinema and television in England? On the one hand, Martin Callaghan – known on the stages of Broadway (New York) and West End (London), the actor and singer has in his curriculum almost 40 musicals. Among these musicals are “The Wizard of Oz”, “Chicago”, “The Sound of Music” and others, as well as films such as “Funny Girl”, “Chicago” and etc. In 2020 Martin became known in the four corners of the world for winning the golden buzzer on the talent show Portugal’s Got Talent. On the other hand, Jenna Boyd – the actress of “Les Misèrables”, musical and film, and the protagonist of the hit musical on Broadway (New York) and West End (London), “Come From Away.” Martin and Jenna get together for a fun and unique chat, talking about the art market in London, demystifying the difference between Broadway and the West End, and sharing with the audience remarkable and funny experiences throughout their careers. Mediation by artistic manager and actor Will Callaghan.

Mediation: Will Callaghan
Artistic Manager

Brazilian, born in Criciúma, SC, Brazil. Ex-actor – graduated in arts at the Evoé space in Lisbon, Portugal – Will is known as one of the greatest highlights in career management today and has taken care of participants of The Voice Portugal, The Voice Germany, The Voice UK, X Factor UK, Got Talent Portugal, The Apprentice (Apprentice) and Junior Bake Off UK, as well as actors and singers from West End London and Broadway. Will is married to one of the Broadway stars, British actor Martin Callaghan, and they both live in London, England.

Jenna Boyd – Actress

She acted in “Les Misèrables”, musical and film, and was the protagonist of the hit musical on Broadway (New York) and West End (London), “Come From Away”. Other works in the theater: “Love on the Links” (Salisbury Playhouse); “My Fair Lady” (San Carlo theater, Italy); “The Wind in the Willows” (London Palladium and UK Tour); “Alice in Wonderland” (Gordon Craig Theater, Stevenage); “Oliver! and Simply Cinderella ”(Curve, Leicester); “A Little Night Music” (Palace); “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” (Royal Festival Hall); “I Can’t Sing!” (London Palladium); “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” (DUCTAC, Dubai); “Candide” (National Opera of Lorraine); “The Pajama Game” (Chichester Festival Theater); “Street of Dreams” (Manchester Arena); “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” (Trinity, Tunbridge Wells); “The Sound of Music” (UK Tour); “Austentatious” (Landor Space); “Stepping Out” (Derby Playhouse); “Les Misérables” (Sondheim); “Acorn Antiques: The Musical!” (Theater Royal Haymarket); “Cogs in a Well-Oiled Machine” (Colorhouse Theater) and “The Beautiful Game” (Cambridge Theater). Television work: Harry Hill’s Clubnite, Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule, Tracey Ullman’s Show, Doctors and Casualty.

Martin Callaghan – Actor

British, born in Manchester, England. With a degree in singing and musical theater, Martin has been acting for 34 years, and in his curriculum 35 musicals on the stages of Broadway and West End London, such as The Wizard of Oz, Chicago, The Sound of Music and others, as well as television series by the BBC and 3 international films. Currently, Martin is preparing his first album, which will be released in July 2021. But, he became a hit all over the world when he received the golden buzzer in Portugal’s Got Talent in 2020.


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